Feb 8, 2007

Eden's first pictures

Eden was born yesterday, February 7th, at 5:58Pm (Japanese time), 3020 grams weight and 51 c. height. The pictures above were taken today, on her first day in this world. The first thing I noticed is that she is beautiful.. I couldnt stop holding her throughout the entire visiting time. Just looking at her face, at her small-cute expresions, trying to imagine how she will look like in a week, a month, and in 20 years. It is not boring for even a second. When I had the feeling she was looking at me back I felt like crying...Her being there, in front of me, is just like a miracle. Something that modern science do not yet provide convincing explainations. (Do you think I will turn out to be an over-protective dad?)


Anonymous said...

Nissim and Junko,

Congrats for the arrival of Eden to this wonderful world and i am very glad to know that you guys are so happy. It is beautiful reading your notes and learning how great you are feeling.

Nissim, we never met. I am Junko's friend. We met while traveling in Turkey and Syria. I am sending you this comment from Azerbaijan.

Take good care,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
